Serving at Larkspur

Serving is an easy next step in following Jesus! What gifts and talents has God given you that can serve His Kingdom? The local church is a great place to get started. We have opportunities in various ministries and areas, and we’d love to help you get connected. Fill out our form and someone from the Larkspur team will reach out to you!


Simple Ways to Serve

Below are just a handful of the many serving opportunities at Larkspur Church. We’d love to help you find your fit in serving at LC! Don’t see something that interests you? Shoot us an email or fill out the serve form and we’ll help you find somewhere to serve!

Hope Starts Here

One of the main ways Larkspur Church serves our community is through our food bank. If you’re interested in donating to the food bank, email for more details, or drop of some prepackaged canned and dry goods in the cafe.

We also partner with our sister church, Smoky Hill Vineyard, to support the Hope Starts Here Food Bank. Currently, the food bank is meeting every other Saturday at the Porch Church, and serving between 150-200 families.. If you’re interested in serving, check out the website at www.hshfoodbank.orgย for details and volunteer opportunities.
